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Welcome to my Author’s Website. This site has a three fold purpose. First, it's a platform to share written prose which eminate from the deepest recesses of my being. I pray they  offer a bit of inspiration for your own situation as you respond to the challenges of your world. Second, I share descriptions, endorsements, and links to promote and access my published works. Most importantly, this site is designed to serve as a testimony to the Redeemer who has delivered and sustained me through the peaks and valleys of this life. It is my desire that you catch a glimpse of the One known as Jesus. May He fill your heart with peace! Bless you with His grace! Cover you with His mercy! Bring healing to your circumstance, and anoint you with His love.


Thank you for taking the time to visit. 


                        God Bless!   Lanny

Featured Pages on this Site

Lanny's Latest Book Releases

Official Release Date is May 14, 2023 - The Mystery of Zion, Israel and the Last Days - Second Edition Revised with Study Guide



The Mystery of Zion, Israel and the Last Days was officially released May, 2018 on the 70th anniversary of Israel's rebirth as a nation. But after the horrific attack against Israel on October 7th, 2023, and in consideration of the battle facing Israel for her very survival, Lanny was compelled to publish an updated, revised edition of the original work. This edition includes a study guide at the end of each chapter to enhance the insight provided within the pages of this study.


The Mystery of Zion, Israel and the Last Days, Second Edition Revised shares profound truth into biblical prophecies concerning the "End Times" while identifying the role Israel will play in God's redemptive plan for humanity. Through prophetic research of the Bible and other relevant literature, this study provides astounding evidence regarding God's continued plan for Israel and the Jewish people. Within the early teachings of the Christian Church, a mindset developed which erroneously assumed that with the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God was no longer intimately involved within the affairs of His chosen people or the Nation of Israel. However, there is undeniable evidence that God's everlasting Covenant with His "Chosen" requires Him to maintain a personal involvement and interest for their existence, provision, and purpose not only through the Age of Grace, but into the future, including the Tribulation and the Messiah's Mellennial Reign. Their existence is essential for God's "End-Time" plans and Israel is key to the mystery which leads to the consummation of God's Kingdom at Christ's Second Coming. 

Unforgiven Destiny - Lanny's first historical fiction novel

The original artwork for the cover of Unforgiven Destiny, was created by Benjamin Hummel, (


Unforgiven Destiny is based on a true story- a novel 100 years in the making. It provides an account of the life of John Frederick Williams based on historical fact obtained through meticulous research and family lore. John was a man that early in life learned how to run away from his problems. As a young boy he migrated to America from Wales with his mother and sister during the second half of the 18th century. As immigrants to America they were sponsored by the Mormon Church from Salt Lake City. After living in Utah for a few short years, they narrowly escaped the oppressive life of a polygamist culture. These experiences formed the catalyst of panic that plagued John for the remainder of his life. This consuming panic turned into a deep seated fear - causing him to turn tail and run every time life became too overwhelming. It was the personal demon that pursued him throughout his life.


There is a mystery involved within the very nature of the human existence. A mystery that will never be fully revealed through the experience of life’s journey – it will only be realized within the confines of the final passage. It is up to every individual to discover their own personal destiny - hoping… praying… that they never realize the natural consequence of an unforgiven destiny. 

~Lanny K. Cook


Click on the link below to go directly to Lanny's "Book Page" to learn more about Unforgiven Destiny.

Personal Reflections


 "God's Vessel of Perfection"


Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of parched ground; He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.           Isaiah 53:1-2 NASB          

Lanny's Christmas greeting for 2022


Click on the button below to go directly to the "Personal Reflections" Page.

Just Sayin'

"In God We Still Trust"


Throughout history this country has consistently turned away from God as things became too comfortable. That is until we are humbled to the point of hopelessness, realizing there is no other viable avenue than to fall on our knees to pray. As the stark reality of life’s challenge hits, it is usually only then that we begin crying out for deliverance from the clutches of tragic circumstance! 


Click on the button below to chck out the "Just Sayin'!" Page.

You Talkin' to Me?

Amazing Grace



Find it under the "Personal Reflections" Tab on "You Talkin' to Me?" Page




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© Lanny Cook